





What Are ChatGPT Alternatives?

What Are ChatGPT Alternatives?

Alternatives to ChatGPT
Alternatives to ChatGPT
Alternatives to ChatGPT

Written by

Steve Roberts

7 min

Since its release in November 2022, ChatGPT has taken the world by storm. This revolutionary AI chatbot utilizes natural language processing to generate human-like conversations and long-form content. With astounding capabilities, ChatGPT has captured widespread interest and adoption at a rapid rate. However, while ChatGPT is impressive, it's not the only artificial intelligence tool on the market. There are several other AI tools and language models that serve as viable ChatGPT alternatives and, depending on your use case, may be more suitable for the goal you’re trying to accomplish. In this post, we’ll explore the top options to consider in 2023.

What is ChatGPT?

Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is an AI chatbot released in November 2022 that can generate human-like conversations using natural language processing. It’s built on OpenAI’s GPT-3 (which stands for “generative pre-training transformer”), a system trained on a massive amount of text data using natural language processing. 

ChatGPT is designed to understand natural language queries and provide coherent responses in a conversational manner. The AI assistant can perform a wide range of tasks like summarizing lengthy articles, answering complex questions, generating creative content, translating languages, writing code, and more.

Despite its capabilities, ChatGPT does have some limitations. It may sometimes generate inaccurate, biased, or nonsensical text (called “hallucinations”). While its creators are constantly working to improve its abilities, here are six ChatGPT alternatives that can complement or even provide superior performance for certain use cases.

1. Kindo: The AI Content Writer With Repeatable Workflows

Kindo is a secure platform that brings together the power of AI with the ease and security of a single, robust tool. Instead of using several different AI models to achieve your goals, Kindo gives you access to all of them—ChatGPT, Claude, PaLM, and many more. Easily string prompts together to create workflows that simplify your tasks. 

Key features include:

  • Natural language search which understands the meaning of your searches and returns accurate answers

  • Smart recommendations that prompt you with additional suggestions on how to take full advantage of AI 

  • Industry-leading security, privacy, and compliance. Kindo never uses your data to train AI models 

  • Easy-to-create AI workflows and access to a community library of workflows to optimize your daily work routine 

Kindo uses the power of AI to connect any data point you’d like and answer any question you throw at it. Analyze disparate data points, find that pesky document in your tech stack, or summarize swaths of content. And do all this with layers of security between your connected apps, the Kindo platform, and the AI models. 

2. Anthropic: The Maker of Claude

Anthropic is the startup behind Claude, a ChatGPT alternative which bills itself as “a next-generation AI assistant.” Claude is an AI assistant specifically focused on natural conversation abilities. The tool is designed to have more contextual awareness in dialogue, with the ability to admit knowledge gaps rather than generate false information. 

Valued for its clear, natural conversations and a constitution which the company claims makes it safer and more helpful than comparable AI solutions, Claude is a leading choice among natural language processing chatbots. 

Claude comes in two versions: Claude and Claude Instant. Here’s how they compare:

  • Claude: Anthropic’s flagship natural language processing model, ideal for complex reasoning and creativity

  • Claude Instant: A more lightweight, cheaper version of Claude, with reduced latency for less-demanding tasks 

Already integrated into popular tools and sites like Quora and DuckDuckGo, Claude’s use cases are only growing. Even if you haven’t already used Claude directly, there’s a chance you’ve encountered it through one of its many partners. 

In initial tests, Claude appears more natural and less rigid than ChatGPT in free-flowing chats. While not as versatile, Claude's conversation expertise makes it an intriguing AI chatbot alternative for that specific purpose. As Anthropic expands access to Claude, its performance as a ChatGPT alternative will become clearer.

3. Bing AI: Microsoft's Search Engine Bot

Bing Chat is Microsoft's new AI chatbot assistant integrated into its Bing search engine and a key competitor to Google Bard. Powered by AI from Microsoft and OpenAI, Bing AI aims to enhance search results with conversational interactions.

Key features include:

  • Conversational replies to search queries

  • Summarizing long web pages

  • Simplifying complex topics

  • Citing sources for generated information

As a search engine, Bing Chat could provide a more interactive and contextual chatbot alternative to ChatGPT’s generalist knowledge. It has the potential to enhance online research and learning. It also enables users to use images in their search queries, which is a feature that sets it apart from ChatGPT. 

4. Cohere: Enterprise-Focused AI

Cohere is an AI startup that has developed a language model focused on conversation and explanation abilities. While OpenAI is closely associated with Microsoft, Cohere was founded by ex-Googlers. 

Like ChatGPT, Cohere can generate long-form content. But they see their approach as fundamentally different from OpenAI’s. “OpenAI wants you to bring your data to their models, exclusive to Azure,” says Martin Kon, Cohere’s President and COO. “Cohere wants to bring our language model to your data, in whatever environment you feel comfortable in.” This makes Cohere most suitable for enterprise use cases or for embedding inside other software tools.  

By emphasizing privacy and control, Cohere could provide more accountable AI output than ChatGPT. Its emphasis on conversational context also helps it serve as a chatbot alternative.

5. Character AI: Imaginative and Fun Chatbot

Character AI markets itself as an "imagination engine," with the ability to role-play various AI characters and scenarios. Users can customize interactions by defining a persona for the AI chatbot.

Compared to the goal-oriented responses of ChatGPT, Character AI aims to provide entertaining chat experiences. It generates very creative, conversational replies—essentially role-playing with users.

While not suited for informational queries, Character AI provides an engaging ChatGPT alternative for fantasy, absurdist chats. Its strong AI personalities and character voices differentiate it in the conversational AI landscape.

6. QuillBot: Paraphrasing and Summarizing Text

While not a direct conversational chatbot, QuillBot provides AI-powered language capabilities that could work well alongside ChatGPT.

QuillBot specializes in paraphrasing and summarizing text. It uses natural language processing to rewrite or condense content while retaining meaning.

Key features include:

  • Paraphrasing blocks of text

  • Shortening lengthy articles

  • Rephrasing sentences in different ways

  • Enhancing writing style

For long-form content creation, QuillBot is a useful AI writing companion to ChatGPT alternative. It can rephrase chatbot-generated text to sound more human. QuillBot is readily accessible via free and paid subscriptions.

What Are the Free Alternatives to ChatGPT?

While many AI chatbots are only accessible as paid writing tools, some free-to-use ChatGPT alternatives to try include Kindo (which is free to get started), featuring conversational search, content creation, and repeatable workflows. Character AI also offers free tier access to its imaginative chatbot. Both of these offer free options with additional advanced features adding capabilities beyond that of the standard offerings from ChatGPT. 

Choosing the Right Alternative to ChatGPT

With so many options, how do you choose the right ChatGPT alternative? Here are a few key considerations:

  • Purpose: Are you looking to enhance search, summarize texts, rewrite content, chat conversationally, or something else? Match the AI tool to your specific needs.

  • Accuracy: Does the system pull from real-time data for reliable information like Bing or Or is it prone to hallucinating facts like ChatGPT?

  • Personality: Do you want a friendly assistant like Jasper or a neutral, to-the-point summarizer like Shortly Read? Factor in the ideal tone and style.

  • Features: Look for extra capabilities that suit your work, whether it’s keyword research, voice commands, or built-in grammar correction.

  • Price: ChatGPT alternatives range from free entry-level options to paid plans with more advanced features. Weigh the costs against your usage needs.

ChatGPT Alternatives Are Here To Stay

While ChatGPT has sparked widespread fascination with its impressive natural language abilities, it is not the only conversational AI in town. Options like Kindo, Anthropic’s Claude, Bing, Cohere, Character AI, and QuillBot provide intriguing alternatives to ChatGPT—each with its own distinct strengths and features.

As artificial intelligence advances, we can expect more nuanced AI chatbots with complementary abilities to ChatGPT as well as alternatives. Testing different options can help identify the best AI tools and language models for specific use cases, whether that’s long-form content creation, imaginative role-play, or focused conversations.

The AI landscape is expanding rapidly. ChatGPT has ignited broad interest—but it is only one approach among a growing selection of creative ChatGPT alternatives. The best option depends on your particular needs. With AI innovation accelerating, the future looks bright for accessible conversational AI that empowers humans.

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Elevate your work

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